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AHS Building Committee Minutes 8/1/2006

I.      CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Chairman Hank Frey.  Members present, Jeff Brighenti, Ann Dearstyne, Jim Eacott, Doug Evans, Bob Paine and John Papa.


On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by M r. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the AHS Renovations Additions Building Committee approve the minutes of the June 13, 2006 meeting, as submitted.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Dearstyne, Eacott, Evans, Paine and Papa voted in favor.



V.      RESULTS OF BIDS - FIP distributed summary information on bids that were opened on July 18th and 20th.  Mr. Shopis included an informational sheet for inclusion with the brochure to be sent to the voters.  The Committee made several suggestions for changes and omissions they feel with make the brochure more easily to understand.

VI.     STATUS REPORT FROM THE ARCHITECT - Mr. Boos made appropriate comments as appropriate to the following report from FIP.  David Shopis, FIP Corp.  submitted a packet containing general information on Bid Results from contractors,  and advised how the information will affect the overall project.  The Charts indicate the results of  FIP's post bid summary on which cost estimates have been drawn.  Mr. Shopis reviewed the graph summarizing bid results from each of the seven bid packages considered, indicating the various categories covered by the bids.  A Graph showing detailed construction estimate figures was included, which would indicate FIP's proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP).  This schedule is what FIP refers to as a "cost tracker" and these figures will be tracked throughout the project, with updates provided as needed.     A revised schedule for construction shows we hope to have a Town Meeting in September and a successful Referendum in October, with construction starting soon thereafter, with a completion date for project in the spring of 2008.  After clarification of questions from the members, the Committee concurred they were satisfied with the results of the summary.

The Chairman asked if the Committee could consider and decide on the Project Alternates, as listed.  Alternate 1 (items 1-5) concerned the sound system for the auditorium.  After explanations on each section and discussion on the quality of the sound, Dr. Kisiel responded that he does not feel these items are critical to the project.  He reported that at the latest production, they were able to rent equipment sufficient to the needs of the production, and this could also be done in the future.  Sophisticated audio is not required for normal use of the auditorium.  The Committee agreed they did not want to delete re-roofing the existing building, not accepting Alternate #2.  Alternate #3, replace the existing LCC Fascia was accepted, as was Alternate #4 Re-paint existing EIFS and Alternate #5 Re-key existing locks.  Alternate #6, using Face Brick at Storage Building was not accepted.  Alternate #7 was accepted to use ground face block at interior.  Alternate #8 regarding Sod in lieu of seed at the fields was deferred.  That Alternate will be carried as "owner's contingency" and a decision will be made as we get closer to the critical date for sod or seed.  Alternate #9 has been accepted with the condition that separate accounting for payment will be determined.  This Alternate has been recommended by the Town Council.  Mr. Shopis reported he will provide up-dated forms for Thursday's Meeting with the Town Council.

VII.    OTHER BUSINESS  - The Town Manager advised the Board that Caroline LaMonica will be retiring January 1st and this will create a problem in developing all the administrative work necessary to this project.  Therefore, he is advising the Committee that he will be recommending $25,000 per year to appoint an assistant to carry on these functions, at a total cost of $50,000.  This amount will be included in the Owner's Contingency for the project.

The Chairman indicated that the Town Council meets on Thursday, August 3rd, at which time we could make a recommendation that a Referendum be scheduled to approve the additional amount necessary to complete the Avon High School Project.  Current figures have left a shortfall that need to be recommended to the Town Council by this Committee.  After discussion with FIP to prepare updated information, it was unanimously decided to schedule a meeting for Thursday, August 3rd to recommend the appropriate figure to the Town Council.

Mr. Evans left the meeting.

        a.  Approve Bills
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Paine, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the AHS Renovations Additions Building Committee approve                   payment of $2,415.00 to Kaestle Boos for Irrigation Consultant.
Members, Frey,  Brighenti, Dearstyne, Eacott, Paine and Papa voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mrs. Dearstyne, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the AHS Renovations Additions Building Committee approve                   payment of $4,350.00 to Kaestle Boos for Landscape Architecture.
Members, Frey,  Brighenti, Dearstyne, Eacott, Paine and Papa voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mrs. Dearstyne, seconded by Mr. Paine, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the AHS Renovations Additions Building Committee approve                   payment of $39, 178.50 to Kaestle-Boos for contract fees.
Members, Frey,  Brighenti, Dearstyne, Eacott, Paine and Papa voted in favor.

Mr. Boos submitted an explanation of charges to develop a "shelter concept" as requested by the Town Council.  He advised these charges will be billed as a Building Committee expense.

A bill from EnviroScience was deferred.  Staff will check to ascertain if this is still an outstanding obligation.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Paine, it was voted:
RESOLVED;  That the AHS Renovations Additions building Committee adjourn at 9:50                        a.m.
Members, Frey,  Brighenti, Dearstyne, Eacott, Paine and Papa voted in favor.

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Ann L. Dearstyne, Secretary

Attest:  Elinor Burns, Clerk